Winery Rioja Azabache

Adress: Avda, Juan Carlos I, 100 26559 Aldeanueva de Ebro La Rioja - ESPAÑA
Country: Spain
Wine district: Rioja


Vína z oblasti La Rioja, ležící na severu Španělska pod Pyrenejským masívem v širokém údolí řeky Ebro patří tradičně k nejžádanějším španělským produktům. Nejsou označené Denominacion de Origen Calificada Rioja (D.O.C. Rioja), které je ochranou známkou zaručující odpovídající kvalitu a původ hroznů.

Výrobce – vinařské družstvo – Viňedos de Aldeanueva, S. Coop sdružující 850 pěstitelů hroznů vlastní 2600 ha vinic (t.j. cca 25% všech vinic v České republice), produkuje každoročně 2 miliony kg hroznů. Široký sortiment odrůd je determinován různými nadmořskými výškami vinic (250 – 600 m.n.m). Výšková poloha vinic spolu s pestrostí odrůd (Tempranillo, Garnaca, Mazuelo, Graciano a Viura) umožňuje postupnou sklizeň od konce srpna do října.

Vlastní výroba vín probíhá v nerezových nádobách, řízeným kvašením při použití enzymů a ušlechtilých kvasinek. Vína určená k vyzrávání jsou uložena v barikových soudcích potřebnou dobu podle kategorie (semi-crianza, crianza, reserva, grand reserva). Po vyzrání v sudech jsou stáčena do lahví a uložena ve sklepě k dosažení optimální lahvové zralosti.


It was founded on 20 November 1955 by a group of growers from Aldeanueva de Ebro. Months later, in February 1956, the first Articles of Association were drafted and they began building the winery. Those founding partners joined together with the goal of uniting together against the few buyers of the time, who took advantage of the dispersed offering of grape growers in the small town.

Throughout the 1960s, the bodega expanded to accommodate increased production needs from fruit from the new plantations and the arrival of new members who were attracted by the growth of the company.

In the 1970s the first bottling plant was installed —employing primarily manual processes— and the first bottled wines were put on the market. The wine was consumed mainly by the members and a few local clients.

In the 1980s, sales expanded in the domestic market and the first bottling line was replaced with more efficient, more advanced equipment. Towards the end of the decade, Bodegas San Isidro S. Coop. acquired a major share portion of Bodegas Berberana, becoming its main shareholder and holding position of chair of the board of directors.

In 1995, the share in Bodegas Berberana was sold and a major expansion, vinification and bottling project was implemented, with the first facilities in which wines could be aged. The bodega soon changed its name from Bodegas San Isidro to Viñedos de Aldeanueva, seeking to set itself apart from the numerous other winemaking co-operatives in the country that use the name of the patron saint of growers.

In 2001, a new management team took over. From that moment and with this  professionalized management implemented, a strategy to achieve sales of 13 million bottles per annum is attained.


Azabache Crianza 2007

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